In the past, finding a gluten-free pizza was a difficult task. No longer is that the case. There are mom and pop pizzerias everywhere that have begun serving gluten-free pizza. The first one I encountered was in a small town near Dallas, Texas. The reason this pizzeria owner offered gluten-free pizza? It was because he was on a gluten-free diet and he knew how difficult it was to find good pizza for those with sensitivities to gluten.

Now, one of the biggest chains is offering gluten-free pizza in their stores. Dominos Pizza is taking a huge stride to capture the gluten-free pizza market.Here’s a video on this latest news. Don’t fast forward over the disclaimer. It’s a biggie. It turns out that the pizza is made in their typical kitchens, along with all other pizzas, so they warn you that there could be trace glutens in their gluten-free pizza.

Watch and see what they say. Would love to have your comments below.


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