Free Pizza?

Who doesn’t enjoy free pizza? Often, it is the best tasting pizza. Well, not always. I’ve had lots of Dominos pizzas that have been free and I’m not a big fan of that type of free pizza.
Well, you have a chance in a few weeks to get some free pizza. It’s not Papa John’s or Pizza Hut. It’s not delivery. It’s Digiorno. Yes, Digiorno frozen pizza is giving away pizza during the Super Bowl (again). I guess this has been an annual give away, but since my Steelers are never in the Super Bowl, I rarely watch the big game. This year I may watch it, but only for the chance to win some free pizza.

Here’s how it works

If you’re really good at math, you know that pi = 3.14. So the free pizza game, during the big game, goes like this: If at any time during the game the score is 3-14 or 14-3, fans just have to enter the contest online. This link is good from February 6 up until Super Sunday. But you need to pay even more attention to the game than just to the score. There are a few other ways you can win free pizza during the Super Bowl. In fact, if any of the following things occur during the game, one person (for each of the following accomplishments) will win free pizza for the entire 2022 football season.

Here’s the list of accomplishments which probably won’t happen, but who knows:

1) Any quarterback finishes with 314 yards passing (or anyone else who wants to throw the ball, like punters, running backs, or wide receivers/tight ends)
2) There are more than 3.14 turnovers in the game
3) Any scoring drive takes exactly 3 minutes and 14 seconds

Are you going to watch the Superbowl

Like, I said, I might watch the game just to see if the score is at any point 14-3 or 3-14, just in order to register my email address and get a chance to win free pizza. However, since every single team I’ve been rooting for in the playoffs so far, has lost, I probably won’t be watching the Big Game. But don’t let my NFL disappointment put a damper on your Super Bowl viewing. Go watch it, watch it with lots of friends. Enjoy the day. Win some free pizza too.


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